Resources for Connecting Sunday to Monday
Find these publications—and more—at NextStep Resources unless otherwise indicated:
Work Matters: Connecting Sunday worship to Monday work, by Tom Nelson
Kingdom Calling: Vocational stewardship for the common good, by Amy Sherman (also see her powerful website)
Your Work Matters to God, by Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
Shrewd and Innocent: A heart for godliness in ethics and business, by Steve Collier (only available at Mars Hill Publishing)
The Church in the Workplace: How God’s people can transform society, by C. Peter Wagner
Serving Christ in the Workplace: Secular work is full-time service, by Larry Peabody
Life @ Work, by John C. Maxwell
Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s teaching on the moral goodness of business, by Wayne Grudem
The Other Six Days: Vocation, work and ministry in biblical perspective, by R. Paul Stevens
Work in the Spirit: Toward a theology of work, by Miroslav Volf
Websites and blog posts
Vocational Stewardship—personal stories and helpful resources such as a small-group discussion guide and “Ten Ways to Encourage Vocational Stewardship in Your Church.”
WorkLife—curricula and tools for individuals and churches
Ministries @ Work—nondenominational marketplace ministry encouraging Christians to view their work not only as a mission field, but also as a place where they can live out God’s call.
Center for Faith & Work— cultural renewal arm of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, mobilizing the church community in their professional and industry spheres toward gospel-centered transformation for the common good.
The Avodah Institute’s Faith and Work Blog—a discussion of topics relevant to the intersection of faith and work (Princeton University’s Faith and Work Initiative)
“In Which I Have an Evangelical Hero Complex”—blog post by Sarah Bessey
Resources for Connecting Sunday to Monday
Find these publications—and more—at NextStep Resources unless otherwise indicated:
- Work Matters: Connecting Sunday worship to Monday work, by Tom Nelson
- Kingdom Calling: Vocational stewardship for the common good, by Amy Sherman (also see her powerful website)
- Your Work Matters to God, by Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
- Shrewd and Innocent: A heart for godliness in ethics and business, by Steve Collier (only available at Mars Hill Publishing)
- The Church in the Workplace: How God’s people can transform society, by C. Peter Wagner
- Serving Christ in the Workplace: Secular work is full-time service, by Larry Peabody
- Life @ Work, by John C. Maxwell
- Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s teaching on the moral goodness of business, by Wayne Grudem
- The Other Six Days: Vocation, work and ministry in biblical perspective, by R. Paul Stevens
- Work in the Spirit: Toward a theology of work, by Miroslav Volf
Websites and blog posts
- Vocational Stewardship personal stories and helpful resources such as a small-group discussion guide and “Ten Ways to Encourage Vocational Stewardship in Your Church.”
- WorkLife curricula and tools for individuals and churches
- Ministries @ Work nondenominational marketplace ministry encouraging Christians to view their work not only as a mission field, but also as a place where they can live out God’s call.
- Center for Faith & Work cultural renewal arm of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, mobilizing the church community in their professional and industry spheres toward gospel-centered transformation for the common good.
- The Avodah Institute’s Faith and Work Blog a discussion of topics relevant to the intersection of faith and work (Princeton University’s Faith and Work Initiative)
- “In Which I Have an Evangelical Hero Complex” blog post by Sarah Bessey