Competing Voices

What Lens Are We Using ?

One of the great challenges for believers is to view people and situations from God’s point of view rather than our own. The goal of this issue of EFCA Today is to help us think about the issue of immigration through the lens of Christ and to ask the question: As believers, what should our response be to “the alien” in our midst? Is there a uniquely Christian response to even illegal aliens, who come to our shores looking for the opportunity to make a living and care for their families?
It was the prophet Micah who said, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). What are the implications of passages like this to our response to illegal immigrants?
Paul wrote in Acts 17:26-27 that God has a hand both in the places where people live and in the circumstances of their lives—all for one purpose: that people would reach out and find Him. In fact, the waves of immigrants coming to our nation, both legal and illegal, present amazing opportunities for the Church to share the good news and to provide practical help in the name of Jesus.
In these articles we are challenged to set aside the loud voices of talk radio and political positions and consider biblical principles that can guide the response of God’s people to aliens among us. The issues are complex and defy easy answers. They also give the church an amazing opportunity to minister to “the least of these” in the spirit of Isaiah 58.
Think of the ministry of Jesus to the forgotten in His day and ask the question, “What would He do in our day?” As His people we want to see through His eyes.
Letter From the President
One of the great challenges for believers is to view people and situations from God’s point of view rather than our own. The goal of this issue of EFCA Today is to help us think about the issue of immigration through the lens of Christ and to ask the question: As believers, what should our response be to “the alien” in our midst? Is there a uniquely Christian response to even illegal aliens, who come to our shores looking for the opportunity to make a living and care for their families?
It was the prophet Micah who said, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). What are the implications of passages like this to our response to illegal immigrants?
Paul wrote in Acts 17:26-27 that God has a hand both in the places where people live and in the circumstances of their lives—all for one purpose: that people would reach out and find Him. In fact, the waves of immigrants coming to our nation, both legal and illegal, present amazing opportunities for the Church to share the good news and to provide practical help in the name of Jesus.
In these articles we are challenged to set aside the loud voices of talk radio and political positions and consider biblical principles that can guide the response of God’s people to aliens among us. The issues are complex and defy easy answers. They also give the church an amazing opportunity to minister to “the least of these” in the spirit of Isaiah 58.
Think of the ministry of Jesus to the forgotten in His day and ask the question, “What would He do in our day?” As His people we want to see through His eyes.