There are few issues closer to the heart of God than that of justice in all walks of life. Scriptures are replete with the call to live and act justly as well as to ensure that justice is given to others. The prophet Amos said it well: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream (Amos 5:24).”
Notice that the righteousness of God is connected with justice. Indeed, in Micah 6:8, we read, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
A life of righteousness is a life that cares deeply for justice.
We live in a very broken world, and in a broken world it is all too often those who do not have a voice who are denied justice. In many countries, nothing happens without bribes being paid for even the most basic services. In our own country, it is clear that racism still haunts us. In addition, immigrants to our shores are often ill-served by “immigration attorneys” who are simply out to fleece their clients. Sex trafficking happens within miles of where many of us live.
Lack of justice, wherever it is found, is grievous to a righteous God. We are His agents of righteousness in a fallen and unrighteous world, and that involves advocating for justice. This is not the social gospel; it is the outworking of the true gospel that calls us to live and act as Jesus does.
I encourage you to look for opportunities in your community to live out the gospel among those in need of justice and to partner with those who share our biblical and ministry values. In addition, EFCA ReachGlobal staff members in many parts of the world are working among those deprived of justice and are in need of our prayers and our partnership.